Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Invoice from SmartMoney Magazine

Just as I feared, my cancellation request was not acknowledged.

Today, I received an invoice from SmartMoney. It says the following:
Thank you for choosing to be part of our Continuous Service Program. As we recently notified you, your renewal to SmartMoney has been processed.

By renewing your subscription, you have guaranteed yourself considerable savings off the newsstand price, hassle free service and uninterrupted delivery. you won't miss a single issue!

Payment is now due. Please enclose your check with the invoice below and return it in the pre-addressed envelope. Thank you again.

G. L. Walk
Vice President
I will write "cancel" on the invoice and will mail it today. Given what I have seen so far, I would not be surprised if the following were to occur: I receive a second invoice, a third invoice, then finally a letter from a collections agency. I think most people would just pay the $12 at that point. However, if I get a letter from a collections agency, I will proceed to sue SmartMoney in small claims court.

I scanned an image of the invoice with "cancel" written on it in case I need to use it as evidence in court. This blog should also serve as a useful record of events. I'm not going to use certified mail, so I suppose they can claim that they never received my mailing.

Also, it looks like I'm not only person encountering problems with SmartMoney subscription services. See

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